
Mould opening and folding devices

13 Dec, 23 | Handling technology

On November 28, an important demonstration event took place at our company headquarters, which brought a fascinating insight into the world of innovations in the field of safe opening of pressing tools and injection molds. The event met with enthusiastic response and interest not only from our representatives, but also from many participants from various companies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The program of the event was full of interesting points. We started with a warm welcome to all participants, followed by a presentation of our company and an overview of our product groups. However, the most attention was attracted by the practical demonstration of the new device in full operation, which gave us an insight into its amazing functionality. This demonstration was commented not only by the businessman Aleš Klapetek, but also by the designer Václav Mosler and the PLC programmer Jakub Chudík, who added a quality professional perspective from different perspectives and at the same time answered technical questions.

The discussion after the demonstration provided space for exchanging opinions and sharing experiences, which contributed to enriching the overall awareness of this issue.

This was followed by a break for networking and coffee, during which the participants had the opportunity to relax and make new contacts. After this break, we gave everyone a unique opportunity to tour our production hall and see the production process with their own eyes. This step added a deeper dimension to understanding our products and their manufacturing process.

Among other things, our event was enriched by a presentation from the company JAN SVOBODA s.r.o., which with its contribution on the issue of injection brought a new dimension and enriched our view of this area. Overall, it can be said that our demonstration event demonstrated not only the exceptionality of our products and technologies, but also the power of cooperation and knowledge sharing between companies. We are excited by the great interest this event has generated and look forward to working with new partners in the future.

You can watch a recording of the entire event on our YouTube kanále ZDE.

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